Trainer/Crestline & Mountain Brook

My name is Ainsley Despot and I grew up in Vestavia, Alabama. After I graduated from Vestavia Hills High School, I attended Louisiana State University. Fitness is such a huge passion of mine and over the past two years has become an integral part of my life. I learned very quickly just how important working out is not only for our body but for our mental health. This passion is what motivated me to get my personal training certification by ISSA. I knew I wanted to help other people start their fitness journey and improve not only their physical health, but mental health as well. Getting started and staying consistent is the hardest part about working out. My ability and opportunity to educate people on “how” to workout and giving them the confidence to keep going is one of the reasons training others creates such joy for me being in this profession.

One of the creeds of social work is to help others make the most of what they have. In my heart, personal training is just that-helping others make the most of what they have.